I don't mind if people steal ideas from m because it's their own desires and theft is part of reality. And endless numbers of crimes go unsolved everyday, and I have some that are among them.
I don't care if people steal from me; I care if my ideas go unnoticed, and that they might never touch other people's hearts.
So steal away you hacks you! Steal away! Because I have more than enough ideas for one man, or an army of men inspired to write. Steal away and claim all you want that the laughs earned come from your mind.
I have not enough time to detail and make every book and movie or scene or speech or lyric. And even if I did, I have not the greed in my soul to miser them. I wish merely to see others happy, and not for more than my own happiness, of course like many a vile greedy person, but my happiness is at least, thank God, a result of other peoples happiness. Furthermore I don't desire to infringe on others lives to gain happiness because that doesn't make me happy.
So I will write and write and write, and never claim to be the first to say everything I think. But in many cases I am. Still, what I make I want to be shared, just as what I have heard and laughed at were shared to me. The cycle of laughter will continue forever. This world is give an take and life is more than fame and fortune.
And I will never convince myself otherwise, and nor will anyone.
(sorry about bad grammer or mispellings.)
<a href="http://www.ihateyoujulia.com/?id=be64cecac6e23f55617cf4a29ed4406a">http://www.ihateyoujulia.com/?id=be64 cecac6e23f55617cf4a29ed4406a</a>
fuck yeah!