Once again I am here to tell yall that I am going to post up a report of my watching every FUCK-GING treasure hunt flash Tom left in the 1st of the 4 treasure hunt topics!
First off I just wanted to say how strange my life is. I abandoned my life in my hometown to move to a city basically that means nothing to me outside of gambling and hopefully finishing school. I have no friends here yet, so I am on NG a lot.
Since I have had no social life, as of late, I have been on NG a lot. It's my home at home that would be that away from home if it was like a house but it's not because it can't provide me shelter. FUCK YOU! (Sorry).
In the past couple weeks I learned nothing seemingly important, but I did learn a lot about NG and the people of NG, and, mostly, how to know if a flash is worth watching in the first second of it's submission to Portal.. Trust me! I seen everything by now, I can tell before watching a flash how shitty it will be, but I am sometimes pleasantly surprised, and I love to be.
Anyway overall, this has been a fun two weeks. I can't wait to start making flash and voice acting for stuff and really getting my ideas in front of people. Ever since I was 3 or 4 I have been a creative person. I am good at making stories that are small and for the most part meaningless to life. Great skill right?!
Ever since I was 13 I knew NG would become a big part of my life, someday. Now I feel like my time is soon to come.
-insert cock joke here and fuck my life slower than Chuck's life was-