Here's some of the best Disney musical moments in song ever.
This song always makes me smile. My favorite is the F****** plane at the end. I mean it's not on the road. Why is it in the song right? haha
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This song is one of the best moments in Disney musical history. To bad it was in one of the biggest flop, animated films Disney has ever made. It was so bad! Randy Newman wrote all the songs for one but he must have left all his talent for Toy Story.
This movie had only one good part, this little song here. BELIEVEEEE MEEEE!
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Everyone probably remembers this song, and it's no surprise. Mulan was a smash hit! If you like this song also check out A Girl Worth Fighting For.
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Robin Williams can't sing or hold notes, but he sure talks his way through any song. You may think after listening to this that I am completely wrong, and that just goes to show his true talent ;)
Trust me on this. Disney did a great job recording this, but Robin could never do it live. That's probably why it's go great.
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This is my favorite Disney song ever.
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Seems you really like Disney? Played Kingdom Hearts by any chance?
omegared (Updated )
I like music and animation and musicals and songs from Disney movies.
I played Kingdom Hearts a little it was fun but I couldn't really get into it.