Everyone that has every made more than three flashes that got blammed show be sent a link to this flash in there PM box. Or better yet he dvd of dennis masterbating.
Great flash.
Everyone that has every made more than three flashes that got blammed show be sent a link to this flash in there PM box. Or better yet he dvd of dennis masterbating.
Great flash.
It was hit and miss, mostly miss I thought. But whatever man I can just walk my ass away from this flash at a slow pace and animate it and I'm just as funny I think!
What am I trying to get at here?
Good art work.
A very charming flash!
Very funny and it's like what a cartoon worthy. I really mean that!
I'm the one that pooped.
And left that shit on the floor! lol funny man. Short but better than watching a long ass boring one!
Simply put, it's a work of art!
Your really touching a subject that many choose not to touch these days, I think. And that's the fact tat the end of our lives as americans will probably be at the hands of a Nuke war.
It's scary to watch but something I think everyone should see. Great job.
BTW it makes me regret not being stronger in my faith. Just had to say it man.
Truly one of a kind.
You tokk a bad idea- making a very short looping film, and made it great! And it feels so real! Except for the fact that it's slowpoke and shit. WTF is his evoled one's name? Whatever. And the music flowed.
This really made me want to kill myself in a good way man! Because life can be a never ending pointless ride. Watching TV while the wife gets fucked.. Just wow man.
Great song at the end and great fucking flash vid man.
I haven't felt this warm and cozy inside in a long
long time man. What if kids really talked like that even after horrible shit like that happend man!? I bet they would too! Let's raise our kids in the worst environment possible (England) and record their conversations! I bet they'd be all into emo rock or death metal!
anway 5/5 man. Great job.
You what on his what!? HAHAHA!
This should be a serious film. LOL
The President of the USA is a retard! We shouldn't be making jokes about this we should be kciking his ass outta office. But that would be madness. Anyway it is probably best to just sit back enjoy and laugh.
This is now in my favorites!
You may think this flash is just a joke flash, but I played metal gear solid and this is exactly how the world is run! IT IS RUN BY A PAWN LIKE BUSH PUTTING ON A SHOW DESIGNED BY THE PATRIOTS! WE SHOULD REVOLT AGAINST ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE GOVERNMENT!!!!
Oops. I'm gonna be dead by tomorrow. ;)
Everybody's favorite nobody :)
Age 40, Male
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UC :3
Joined on 8/11/00