Everybody's favorite nobody :)

Dicky Clown @omegared

Age 40, Male

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Joined on 8/11/00

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omegared's News

Posted by omegared - January 9th, 2009

I hope I can go to the UK meet up!!!!!!

I have drinken a lot. But!! I really love NG! I mean it! COOL PEOPLE UNITE! (THROUGH NG!!!!)

Posted by omegared - January 2nd, 2009

No matter how stupid I am I will always be as stupid as I am and WITH DIGNITY!

It's called interity.

I love Capcom vs Snk 2.

/* */
I love this song!

/* */
I love this song even more

/* */
PS I'll sing either of them for no charge at any request ;) really

Posted by omegared - December 31st, 2008

Resolutions for NG:

1: Make a new flash every month. B-0

2: Earn at least one award. 8-o

3: Make more reviews. ;)

4: Post even less on BBS. :P

5: Meet some cool NG peeps.

2008 was a pretty fun year for me on NG. I was unemployeed for a while and had so much free time, between casino visits (when I was a pro gambler), that I was basically watching every new submission. I'd go to theflash portal and see every new submission link darkened because I had already watched it! My favorite time of the year was when I was just getting reaquainted to everything about NG. That was like some six months ago.

It's great that like everyday for six months I had been on NG and I was still finding tons of new things about the site that I love. I had no idea their could be so many talented flash artists. It's so funny how much NG has grown since I first started lurking in 2000. I just got my 7th secret! I was like DUDE! I REMEMBER THAT SHIT!!!

And at one point I had a job at IN N Out Burger, I was going to kareoke bars, doing plays, AND YET I was still sitting at home, as often as I could, and on NG watching flashes.

Unfortunately, I won't have as much time as I'd like to do that in 2009 because I am working two jobs, and now that I finnaly have flash so I will most likely devote myself to making animations more than watching them. Which has it's ups and downs.

To start off my new year I have a 2009 calender!! (I also picked up Edmunds CD from the NG store, honestly his work is TeH DOPENISS.)

I can't wait for a whole new year of flash fun. Happy New Year to all, from NG Staff to Spam flashers. FUCK ALL YOU HATERS!!!

Peace and <3

Happy New Year!

Posted by omegared - December 19th, 2008

Check me out next year, I'll be what's in ;)

Till then you'll just have to settle for less. ;)))))))))))

I call him Keanu Beeves!!!

Posted by omegared - December 2nd, 2008

Aztraz has made himself quite a name for himself as far as I'm concerned. I had to spotlight him in my new post! Here it is!

http://aztraz.newgrounds.com/news/post /232284

AZTRAZ' TOP TEN PICK UP LINES! (for men or women)

10: Nice tit's babe! Let me draw a flash about u and them instead of serenading you or fucking you because I'm limp but I won't draw it that way.

9: Did I have sex with you yet or am I still a virgin?

8: The only cock bigger than mine is Tom Fulp's Babe! What do you mean who's he?

7: If I kiss you tonight you'll die of happiness, better than me killing you right?

6: Marry me now and I will set up a taco bell castle for us to live in forever and die of to much hot sauce and Gordita Crunches!

5: Didn't you see my latest flash? Spread your legs hoe!

4: If I was president I still wouldn't fuck you, but wanna suck my dick?

3: I drew you a rough sketch of my fantasy with Jenna Haze, but I got some white out if you want to be in it. By the way the white out is my C**! SUCK MY DICK!

2: When I rule Newrounds someday you'll wish you had gotten with me now! Trust me!

1: When's the last time you missed descent sex right? Come to papa.

Here's a drawing Aztraz made for me 8*-)

Top Ten Aztraz pick up lines! (Just like Letterman!)

Posted by omegared - November 21st, 2008

So I finally sat down on Word at wrote this shit out. It's long and my comp likes to be a bitch so I used word in case it shut off or logged of the Internet for no reason! No starting over for me.

ANYWAY! This is the list of reviews I made for all the movies in the first post for the Treasure Hunt post Tom made part ΒΌ.

WARNING! Don't read on if you don't want to either be bored or confused or offended. lol

I watched every single last flash and I have a lot to say as a result. I learned that NG has a lot to offer and if you want to find serious shorts you should diffidently look around the site a bit.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/98 5595

I want to start off by saying that in this list I will name each flash then give it a personal rating out of 5 how much I liked it. This rating doesn't necessarily reflect the stars I gave it; it shouldn't! Flashes come from people of all different walks of life and are meant to entertain, prove a point, or at the very least move an audience emotionally. However, a lot goes into the process along the way.

I give stars to flashes that have good art work and animation and some sort of proof that there was hard work involved in between its being made and being submitted.
So I tend to give flashes a 4/5 or a 5/5 that I don't even like.

As a result of this I just want everyone to remember when reading this that the score I gave outta five is only based on how much I enjoyed watching the flash, you may feel different. And for the most part I hope you do!

That being said the first flash I watched was the WINNER OF THE TREASURE HUNT!

NOT! Good one Tom! I wasted five minutes of my life watching Teodor and Gregory be retards!


Lost Farts: 2/5
When I first watched this I wrote down on my notepad that it was worth 4/5. LMAO! This is a seriously gross flash in a funny way I guess. It starts off being funny, after that I only wonder why I kept watching it. It's gross, childish, sick, and worth the shock value. WATCH IT!


Comfort, by noiseover: 5/5
I added comfort to my favorites immediately! Noiseover, the artist, I added to my favorite artists after I watched his other two submissions! His tales left me wondering WTF in a good way.


Bits of Love, by finleroy: 4/5
Although it was slow at times this flash made me laugh and cry! Well, not really cry because it's not supposed to be serious. It could be a serious flash with a sort of underlining parallel to life behind a pointless desk job. I don't know if people are that interested in hearing my explanation as to why. Anyway, I think by the end it's clear that it's all just good fun! Check it out! It made me LOL!


The Greyhound, by plendy: 5/5
By far my favorite serious flash on NG! It's a tale of a pathetic duo that lives a sad life with a happy ending. If you think I am a homo for crying after watching this then you are missing out on an important aspect of life, sometimes people deserve to have there faith rewarded, and when I most feared this flash was going to it didn't disappoint me. I usually don't like Disney endings like this. But I don't know, this really appealed to me.


A Part, by HeRetik: 3/5
Overall this flash has a nice artistic feel. Good use of images and music I thought.
I usually don't like artistic things like this because it's hard for me to judge what I feel the meaning is, and I'd rather have it be clear unless it's the best unclearness I have ever seen.


City victims, by VideoSnack: 5/5
Everything about this peace screams front page! I think Tom should have picked this em as the real winner personally. It's sad and artsy and gives me a feeling of loss by being independent or for those that are. The best part for me is when she eat the pizza! To me it symbolizes the emptiness we are left with after we choose to use others for to try and gain a feeling of happiness rather than truly appreciating them,


Starsearcher, by spectre757: 4/5
I was not disappointed, and it's got to be one of the coolest stories ever told.


The Spider and the Fly, by alphachupapi: 5/5
Another tale of sadness and hurt and betrayal meets a rage unlike any other. Why are some destined to kill the ones they love?


Jill, by wittyhobos: 4/5
The art and animation in this are great! It's creepy! I think the message behind it is to use a condom.


his wonderful ending, by WADEMACHINE: 1/5
I HATE SUICIDE! I guess he wanted to know what the rest of life was about and he was already sure about what his life on earth was but because he was so in love. Dumb! Watch it! Let me know what u think!


Meet The Moon, by GodamnDawg: 5/5
A cute little story. The music fits the animation! It's sweet really, again though use a condom.


crispy bangs, by CrispBangs: 4/5
Reminds me of when I was a kid and I would play NES and SNES non-stop! I had a really active imagination back then. Hell I still do!


Cubloid Jazz Monster, by bobtheleprechaun: 3/5
This was one of those flashes I borderline loved and hated. It was engaging but annoying. The script passed by to fast at parts, the story seemed cool, the monsters weird and border line dumb.


skuuk - upside down, by VOLOP: 2/5
There's really no point in this one besides maybe a chuckle, but why was it in black and white??


The Octahedron, by Angelu-Mortis: 0/5
I almost fell asleep during this! I have said in the review that I left on this flash that it wasn't bad in anyway whatsoever except that it bored me to tears. If that makes me a dick then I have a whole bunch of mike Tyson quotes at my disposal
LOL but seriously this flash was worse than Larry's idea about playing a Nut Outside. And it clearly was a flash that tried to appeal to the youthful sprit of America.
To bad I was waiting to see more than the same predictable stuff over and over!


Boy Robot!, by SwiftSketcher: 5/5!!!!
I ONLY WATCHED FIVE SECONDS OF THIS AND IT WAS ETTER THAN THE ENTIRE TEN OR FIFTEEN MINUTES OF THE SHITTY OCTAHEDRON!!! Funny how that works isn't it? I guess it's true what they say less is more. LOL


(Blink), by Efehan: 3/5
LOL why is the title in parenthesis? I gave this one a 3/5 because I did like it. It's interesting to think about how small we really are and how big are life seemingly is at times! This realization always makes me smile and think about the next life.


New Shoes, by AGC: 3/5
Why does this flash remind me of my Granny's house!?


Stinky Boot FUCKERS, by Spinister and others: 0/5
This was the only submission I stopped watching in the middle. I'm gonna watch it again right now! (really) ... -five minutes later-
I promised I just finished watching it again
If it's a flash with a point (and strangely enough I think it actually is) the point went over my head.
But maybe it's actually meant to be watched by a different audience than me.
Give it a try. At least to the middle!

Serious flashes at the top done!
What I learned so far: There's a lot of NG quality behind the scenes going on. A lot of good flash work goes unnoticed! In fact most people tend to just watch stuff from a familiar artist. Giving works made by lesser known Geniuses little hope of being recognized for the hard work and effort. And sometimes it's better to make a 1 minute entertaining flash than a longer one that is less intriguing.


These comedies were mostly okay. So I think it may prove a point ABOUT NG. If it's really funny it gets noticed, no matter what. In the case of certain flashes that's not true, but we will see here.


Mug Hug, by Beard: 3/5
It wasn't that funny. LOL but a lot of people liked it I guess.
I did like the end and the part where the mug got sad!


52 Million Pick Up, by Klimdeeni: 1/5
Saw it coming. The only thing funny about this is the dudes wearing a shirt with a foot on it. WTF?! RIGHT!?


cupcake... by, oldyshapedchris: 4/5
Small but funny! I love how into cupcakes this dude is! And I love how truthful this flash is, I mean really how many of us would seriously sit through a ridiculous story without eating the Cupcake!? DON'T LIE!


Disassembler by, Citizentwain: 5/5
It's so true! We all know his is how Bush made it through any speech he ever had to make! It's sad how America voted him in twice. Really!


DOUG FUNNY!, by Elementsk8ter506: 2/5
Wow, bad quality but I still liked it enough.


Charlie & the LOL Factory, by FaltaViva: 3/5
I personally thought it was funny, but NOT OMG HILARIOUS! I recall somebody being like, WHY DIDN'T THIS WIN!!>!!?"?!?!?!?! WAAA!
That's utter Silliness because this flash is seriously not that funny and not very original. It is in no way as funny as Lemon Eyes!


Lemon Eyes, by DirtyPandaFilms: 4/5
Kids seriously would talk like this even if they were forced to live under the most fucked up circumstances. Kids are so funny man! "PAC MAN EATS A LOT OF SHIT!" LMAO!


Hey Jim, by ImpendingRiot: 2/5
A world where dirty your momma jokes are not funny is a world I do not wanna live in. However I will do without the retards that think they are THE FUNNIEST JOKES EVER!
This one was funny ;)


I Can Break These Cuffs, by JoeandTom: 5/5
He can and he will. And the rap is amazing!


Darwin Awards, by Insane-penguin: 4/5

Shitty art work I know, but please watch everything before you read the Authors comments! You'll love this flash all the more if you! I guaranty it.


Utonium's Catastrophe: 3/5
I liked the announcer dude best.


GIRLS (ng edition): 2/5
Didn't laugh once. Nice art though.


Can we still be friends?: 2/5
Again, not funny. However, it's funny, but not my type of funny. Meaning I saw the joke coming a mile away.


Cuntilda: 2/5
Got a tiny laugh out of me. It's probably the cutest way anybody ever said they'd rape my ass.


Slowpoke: 5/5
I know this is very small and not funny except for his wife doing somebody else. Why then do I love it so much? Well, probably because there's many people actually living life just like this day to day. I like not so much because it's a short loop, but because it's a short loop that possibly represents an entire life.
Powerful no?


Anyone Seen My Dignity: 3/5
I could still have my dignity after this happened to me. But I'm amazing!


Mr. Piss: 4/5
Is it weird that the sickest ones have the most charm for me?


School Fool: 3/5


batman's themesong: 2/5
Kinda LOL able.


Chicken Wings: 3/5
I happen to know that fat dude.


Spatchcock Gourmet Pizza:4/5
... I think I thought it was funny. Did I mention that?


Yoghurt: 1/5
Good art, not funny.


don't EVER watch this: 5/5
I wasn't surprised to see this flash make it onto Tom's list of Treasure Hunt Gems. It's a simple flash! Watch it and several jokes are fired at you till you die of laughter. No plot, or story, or point, yet still worth every second. Anyone with a funny bone will like this one.


The Origin of Jesus: 1/5
You might find it funnier than me.... >:(


-The Orb & Me-: 4/5
An abstract comedy, a music box with an attitude, a dude with a bat, circles... I can dig it.


Slick Nick - Private Dick: 5/5
One of the best flashes on NG. It reminded me of the old What a Cartoon series. I think this flash could have gone far as a series and I really mean that.
Here is a quote from another review that I think sums it up well:
"It was great. The style was ABSOLUTELY perfect for the content. It felt like an animated sunday comic strip. I liked how it mixed classic cartoon plots and ideas with like modern kind of comedy. It was also nice that you made it accessible to everyone. A great flash really. Deserves more recognition than the treasure Hunt can offer"


Marvin the Cat Fucker: 4/5
The audio was taken from straight off of a dateline special. And I'm the guy they caught in this audio. Yep, I'm a crazy freak. Now you know why I'm a on NG all the time! OH!
JK take a joke.


Mark Dodman: 4/5
As far as freak goes, the joker has nothing on this guy. RIP Heath Ledger.


Wrath of the Anicopters: 5/5
I'm gonna beat anyone who doesn't like this flash again. Worse than Jimmy got beat too.


Stryker Saves the Day 2: 5/5
If the animation and drawings were just a little bit smoother it would be perfect and it's not far from it.


The Dinosaur Planet: 3/5
I didn't think it was funny. Maybe I didn't get the references to other Sci Fi shows it might have had.


The Anigen Show!Episode16: 2.5/5
I have watched this flash several times. I think it has hypnotized me or something. Honestly it's gotta be the song. God bless this flash!


Dennis Parker's DVD: 4/5
This flash is not really about Dennis and it's about you.


Stinky Chicken - Love: 2/5
The chicken sounds like a cracked out dude. ... The chicken sounds like a cracked out dude. I usually would have loved something like that, but this flash didn't make me lol. I don't know why.


Suck My Nuts: 3/5
This flash + to be continued = me loling.


Effective Flea Control: 3/5
This is how they tested me for Aids. Just like this.


Flag Man: 3/5
Just for laughs 1,000s of flags are killed every year, and then turned on there sides and left to dangle in the wind. Harmless right?!


Bloaty the Frog: 3/5
Dead frogs have never seemed SO cute!


Good Ol' Friendly Nes Ep1: 4/5
This flash was pretty funny, but I thought it ended right when it was getting hilarious.


StrollyNes: 3/5
This wasn't funny, but I don't think it was supposed to be. It's not bad.


Hallucinaliens: 5/5
This flash goes in the kind of direction most animators wouldn't be able to take. Everything from story to images is completely original. I love watching this.
I'm interested to know what inspired Villainousturtle to make stories about aliens. Congratulations to him for winning the 2008 Treasure Hunt.


Cervantes is melancholy.: 3/5
You may have a pretty sucky life, but look on the bright side. Can you open a bottle of water? Watch this.


Man In Toothpaste: 2/5
Stamper's gay? ... Darn, I guess he'll never have sex with me, since I'm a girl!


Frankensteins Robot: 4/5
Hey not all evil geniuses are that bad.


Breast Expansion Milk: 2/5
Go ahead and add it to your favorites. Nobodies looking!


"Peter meets Seth": 5/5
-how a conversation with me and another person that watched this would go-
So maybe the voice of Stewie in this sounds nothing like the one on TV that's no reason to vote less than... Oh you did? 1/5 ??? Well it was pretty annoying.
Overall this one the funniest flash I have ever seen though.


911 day: 3/5
CoolDrMoney instantly became one of my favorite artists after I realized how genius he is. This flash is only a small portion of his true comic ability. Please hate me for saying he's amazing.


Abortion Shark is Hungreh: 3/5
A comedy is totally predictable. I mean I saw it coming. ;)
The best part was the way the characters were drawn!


-whathaseightlegs-: 1/5
A quick flash; one joke. Gang rape. Nothing special. Worthless almost. I think, overall, the flash was a lame joke that needs revamping.


ne Plus Ultra: Bette Noir: 0/5
Why did this make appeal to anyone? Please tell me? It was almost a complete waist of time, except if I consider being gang raped instead.


Existance: 2/5
Apparently the symbolism behind this one is it's barely better than being gang raped.


Emulation: 2/5
Another flash that only stands out because of how different it is and not how good it is. In other words, I didn't get it.


Eternalization: 4/5
Again I didn't get it, but it was more pleasing to watch than most abstract flashes. It wasn't slow paced and it was cool looking.


wingtip-BAT1C: 1/5
I didn't find any jokes about gang rape which would have sadly would have made it more entertaining for me.


I like the artist of this one a lot. If you like flashes like Morphing orgasm, check this one out.


I like Cookies!: 2/5
This has a lot to offer those who are stimulated by random blood and guts and morphing. I should add a joke about random gang rape right now.

The Experiment: 4/5
This was just like the above two flashes but I really enjoyed it. Possibly it's because I also liked the music in it too.


reDot: 3/5
Almost as good as the last one.


Vigilante Boy: 2/5
All the excitement was wasted in this flash because all I saw was slice after slice. To me it's not exciting. Though the art is decent and the animation is thrilling, it's just the same slash and slice noise over and over.


Dead Mens' Tale: 3/5
Not bad, a nice little laugh at the end.


EMIL: 5/5
The score says it all! 4.29. It's very well done. My only quarrel is that t end with less flare than it started. Yes there is a joke at the end of it, but it, in my mind, was meant not to be funny but to be cool, which sort of let me down.


Zombie Disaster: 3/5
Pretty intense for just a bunch of squiggles.


Q (cute) version of bruce: 3/5
LMAO cute yet fierce. And not in a stupid Jackie Chan way!!!


Gun Devil: 2/5
I'm not a big fan of anime, but any fan of anime will love this.


Dual Arms: Precipice: 5/5
A redux of this will surely belong in the Top 50. The artist should continue this series, I'll be waiting for the next episode!


satin gold: 3/5
Although it was good the song made me throw up in my mouth. And completely by coincidence I happened to have super glued my lips shut prior to watching this. It was not a pretty site. Therefore, I had to give this a star less than I might have.


I like birds...: 5/5
This song is the greatest song ever. In fact I wouldn't mind being gang raped if I was blasting this on my ipod to help distract me from the horrible ass pains. I'M NOT KIDDING!


Colorful Promotion: 4/5
Maybe it's just me but, this is a grand ol time!


_Across the universe_: 5/5
Really amazing.


I was born(A Unicorn): 3/5
Really cute art work. The song reminds me of one of my ex's :((
but I watched it all anyway, that has to be a good thing.


New Friend Request: 5/5
Sick song, art, and everything. A must see. You'll enjoy or I'll gang rape you. Yep, just me! I'll do it! See if I'm BLUFFING?!


Transformer: 3/5
It was alright, but at first it was to much like a windows screensaver. Then it got good.


What Could I Be?: 5/5
HAHA I have such a weird taste for taste. I loved the heck out of this.


My Darlin' Sancho: 4/5
This amazing flash is to short!

Before I review Cocks I just want to say! Cock jokes are what originally made NG famous. To this day NG is known as the home of flashes associated with cocks just as much as it is Pico, Madness, or Tank Men.


I can't watch this. HAHAHA!


Play With My Cock: 5/5


Swamp Monster: 5/5
I'M ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING! Fuck using rofl.
The score of this flash is highly underrated.


les Sprint: 3/5
Very short and not that funny, except for the last part with the Looney Toons theme. I LOVE LOONEY TOONS!

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/98 5595
Monster In My Pocket: 2/5
It made me laugh mostly because of how crappy it was, and that isn't a bad thing. Hmm, I wish I could give a good example of what it's like... I guess. It's like watching anything by Catoblepas! Yeah that's it! It's CRAP but you knew that's what you were getting into when you started watching it!

PS that was a joke.


Skater V3: Episode 01: 2/5
Kinda funny, but it reminded me to much of an abstract flash piece when dude skated into the Vagina.
Yeah, into the vagina. What the heck do people smoke to think of this stuff right? Or do they just get gang raped hard and forget what makes sense anymore?


Hank's True Love: 3/5
This is the flash that gives With my Minds Madness a run for it's money as far as best madness flash goes.

PS that was a joke.

PPS seriously I hope I won't have to explain my jokes every time I make one forever!



Optimus Loves Megatron: 3/5
Sigh. Maybe it's just me but cock jokes kinda get old after a while don't they?

PS Oh come on!


Fucking Huge Faggotry: 3/5
I'm not sure if I missed the joke here or not. Makes me wanna watch another flash. Seriously. I only thought the stupid 9,000 joke was funny. And would it kill the author to make a title? ... Wait! I think I just got the joke! HU!


mario brothers 2000: 5/5
A laugh riot! Really! I've never laughed so hard.

Finnally the last submission. I couldn't wait to watch it.


Tootsie Pop: 1/5
What a let down! It sucked! Fuck you!
I'm done like Daniel Sun!

PS -picture of a Cock-

Posted by omegared - November 6th, 2008

Today I had an orgasm because a male a very special male responded to a PM I sent HIM about NG! I came a lot! I really didn't but I would if I was Gay!

I seriously feel great now! I feel like I just had the honor of smoking a blunt with Barack Obama!


lol I still need to review all the treasure hunt entries!

Posted by omegared - November 5th, 2008

Thank God!

LOL Jesse Jackson started to cry!!
http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/polit ics/2008/11/04/vo.il.jesse.jackson.cry ing.cnn

I almost did too! Toay is a great day in American History! FUCK ALL YALL REDNECKS! ;)

Posted by omegared - November 4th, 2008

Once again I am here to tell yall that I am going to post up a report of my watching every FUCK-GING treasure hunt flash Tom left in the 1st of the 4 treasure hunt topics!

First off I just wanted to say how strange my life is. I abandoned my life in my hometown to move to a city basically that means nothing to me outside of gambling and hopefully finishing school. I have no friends here yet, so I am on NG a lot.

Since I have had no social life, as of late, I have been on NG a lot. It's my home at home that would be that away from home if it was like a house but it's not because it can't provide me shelter. FUCK YOU! (Sorry).

In the past couple weeks I learned nothing seemingly important, but I did learn a lot about NG and the people of NG, and, mostly, how to know if a flash is worth watching in the first second of it's submission to Portal.. Trust me! I seen everything by now, I can tell before watching a flash how shitty it will be, but I am sometimes pleasantly surprised, and I love to be.

Anyway overall, this has been a fun two weeks. I can't wait to start making flash and voice acting for stuff and really getting my ideas in front of people. Ever since I was 3 or 4 I have been a creative person. I am good at making stories that are small and for the most part meaningless to life. Great skill right?!

Ever since I was 13 I knew NG would become a big part of my life, someday. Now I feel like my time is soon to come.

-insert cock joke here and fuck my life slower than Chuck's life was-

Posted by omegared - October 29th, 2008

I been hard at work earning my living through Poker- Texas Hold Em. I still plan on watching all the vids Tom posted from the Treasure Hunt!

Right now I finished watching Peter Meets Seth (5/5). So I am a little more than half way done.

I'm a bit sad Tom didn't put up my pick for Treaure Hunt!!

Oh well... Time for sleep! Finish watching vids tomorrow!